Collection: Felipe Wiedman

| Viña Del Mar, Chile | Member since May 2021 |
Here you can find the finest selection of works that I have chosen for you.
My passion is abstracts, I feel that it is the best way to make people stop, that is my goal, for the viewer to reflect, contemplate, see, see themselves reflected in a color, a shape or a mixture, in order to give them a moment of full consciousness, a moment of present that warmly envelops them in which they discover what is behind the canvas, which is nothing more than their own reflection.
My favorite materials are nail polish and acrylics, I love the realistic finish they leave when a piece is finished. For me, a piece has to express, to provoke something inside you that moves you and drives you to look inside yourself, that would be my Nirvana, knowing what a particular painting provoked in you. If you buy one of mine, let me know.